2013/10/16-18 China Wind Power 2013(CWP2013)
Release Date:2013-10-18 11:52


China Wind Power 2013 Exhibition was completed on 18th October, 2013 at Bejiing Internation Exhibition Center (New Venue).

China Wind Power 2013(called CWP2013)is become a top international exhibition for wind energy in Asia and well-known around the world.It is not only the top exhibition in Asia, but also the second top around the world. In additon, To be a top exhibition of wind industries, our company has been participating in CWP2013 and showing KATKO switches, Techno connector, etc, to the worldwide industries in order to porvide a new and detailed information for our clients to maximize profits.

Here are some photos of CWP2013:


There were lots of visitors


Other Exhibitors



Techno promotion poster


Andy construed products to the visitors


Martin introduced the catalogues to the visitors


Techno connectors---Draw visitors' attention

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